Monday, April 05, 2010

Dissected Astrolog-ese versus Linguistic Dissection:

the 'thought' processes behind the intuitive design of the Zodical circle of human experiences.

My prior exploration of astrology's traditional (Greek) intuitions concerning holistic structure seems to be born out here by Steven Pinker's new look at how the mind structures language in general (right-hand diagram is from: "Words and Rules" , page 23, S. Pinker).

Pinker apparently chose to start at a different place on this idealized circle of concepts, so his projection is an upside-down, mirror image, of my own attempt at sketching out the similar processes. As well, his emphasis is on the process of sentence production, so my schematic differs due to my emphasis on process of "ideation," or what Pinker calls calls, "mentalese" (-- thought processes which exist prior to the formation of formal, communicable, linguistic formations).

Anyway, to be brief, my dissection of this thing called astrology (my search for the structure behind "astrological thought") yields a similar systematic pattern to that of Steven Pinker's more educated dissection of language in general. We are both very interested in such reductive ways of thinking, but I seriously doubt that Pinker would be interested in how or why we *kind of* think alike.

[ Click on any picture to see a complete image ]

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